Friday, December 26, 2008


This past week was filled with pure madness. Christmas shopping took priority over everything else including Net 11... my apologies Peter & Cynthia. If I had missed a single person in my large list of family and friends, I would not have been allowed to forgive myself.

To top it all off, my partner ended up with pneumonia so had to spend several long hours in the Emergency Dept" and still attempting to put up with a fully grown up child that thinks the world is over cos "he is sick".

A good thing I have learnt in this past week or so is that when doing my "tasks", write directly on to the blog as this way a copy can be kept as a draft until ready to post. I did part of my Module 2 tasks and saved it as a document on my computer but with the madness surrounding me, never got the chance to post my work into my blog.

If I was only required to access my blog, I could have done the"posting" from any computer and would not have had to wait till now.....this also got me thinking about "potential computer problems" and the sickening thought of losing my files..... a total nightmare.

So part of my "housing keeping" rules in relation to NET 11 would be, "use the blog" as in the long run, I may save myself from suffering a painful "experience".

So guys, its time to refocus on the "Journey" but I will definitely remember the happiness and joy on the faces of my loved ones as each opened their presents with great appreciation. Gee Christmas is the best time of the year as it all owes one to actually stop and reconnect with all that is nearest and dearest......... Hope That U All Have A Wonderful & Safe 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Ash, hope your partner is feeling better. Loving your reflections and the way you're looking to make your learning more efficient by going straight to the blog. All the best for 2009.
